He's also easy to acquire since you'll be using Squad Arena credits to get him and star him up. Stormtrooper Han: His taunt is amazing because as he takes hits, your attackers gain turn meter.Here's a shortlist of toons you'll want to have, and that isn't difficult to acquire: These are the main four buckets of opponents you'll see, so you should have answers to at least three of them to give yourself a chance to finish more Galactic War nodes. But if you're up against the Emperor, having droids or Ewoks can make things very difficult for your opponent. Jedi and Rebel teams are at a disadvantage against Palpatine but work well against other leaders. Empire: With the recent Sith update, you'll probably see even more of these Empire and/or Sith teams.I also love sending out professional Jedi hunters like Cad Bane or Boba Fett. Dooku's new shock chance makes him a good choice here too. He cancels out their evasion abilities and his basic attack shock hurts everyone. But you can't go wrong with Empire teams led by Palpatine. Jedis: There are a lot of Jedi teams with a variety of Jedi leaders, so that will affect your choices.None of these work? Use high-DPS attackers like Rey or Geonosian Soldier and start by taking out 88.

Certain Jedis also have anti-Droid skills like Ima Gun-Di or Eeth Koth. So if you have a couple droids, you are ahead of the curb here. They're also prevalent because the anti-Droid answer is Jawas (which most players do not invest in).

Droids: Droids are dangerous because of their propensity to deal out the damage in large quantities.The other answer is obviously your own Rebel squad! Take out Wedge and go from there. Palpatine, Count Dooku, Royal Guard are all good characters to have that can turn the tables here. My favorite squad to send out is Empire with a strong emphasis on stun abilities. Rebels (led by Wedge and Biggs): These guys are trouble since they're built for single battles and they are good at taking out one or two of your top toons in a flash.